How To Create Your First Digital Product In A Weekend

Yes, you can totally create your first digital product in a weekend.

In this blog post, we are going to be sharing a step-by-step process that we have used to create over 50 digital products in the last three years.

The first thing to remember is if this is your first digital product, or even if it’s not but you want to create something quick, focus on providing one quick win for your audience.

One quick win does not require you to create a big course, it could be a simple ebook, a masterclass, or a mini-course that goes deep into one impactful result.

So in this post, we are going to specifically talk about how you can create something that is quick, easy to consume but also actionable and impact-driven.

We have divided the process in 5 steps:

  1. The Outline
  2. Making Decisions
  3. Content creation
  4. Test and Launch
  5. Ongoing Promotion Plan

Let’s get into each of these steps.


The Outline

Before you get started with any content creation, it’s important to create an outline to work from.

First, we are going to map out the topic, audience and objective of your digital product.

Deciding your topic:

Before you decide to start working on your outline, it is important to decide the topic for your course. The best way to decide the topic is to think about the questions you are often asked, or something you have a unique experience in.

If you have an audience, you could create something that they constantly struggle with, or why not just ask them using a survey.

Choosing your audience: 

If you already have an audience, this is easy. If not, you could either start with thinking about an audience first, and then the digital product idea, or coming up with an idea and then identifying an audience for it.

Objective of your digital product:

Your digital product needs to make an objective. The question to ask is, what is the end result of this digital product? How will your audience be better once they have consumed your digital product?

Making Decisions

Before you start creating your digital product, there are some decisions you will need to make.

The first decision is about the format. Should your digital product be text, video or audio? This would depend on what works best for your audience but also what you are comfortable with. You don’t want to procastinate because you decided to create a video based digital product but are not comfortable on camera.

The second decision is about the tools you will use.

Here are my tool recommendations for creating digital products:

  • Text based digital product: Canva, Google Docs
  • Video based digital product: Loom, iMovie, Screencast-o-matic
  • Audio based digital product: Recording app on phone

One of the other decisions you will need to take is decide on the payment and checkout methods to sell your digital products. There are several checkout platforms that could use. The easiest one to get started with is Payhip. It takes a few minutes to setup and you can start selling your digital product almost immediately.

Content Creation

The content creation aspect is probably the most overwhelming part of creating your first digital product.

But it need not be.

I also find creating video based digital products to be easier because I just have to put together the slides and have a framework, and I can voice record over the slides and talk about the details.

This works best if you know your topic really well and are okay with having only a few words written on the slide to expand on, or if you are creating a tutorial based product.

If you are creating an ebook or a text based product like a checklist or workbook, make sure you don’t spend too much time on editing as you write.

Let your thoughts flow as you write out  the content, and then you can come back and edit.

Test and Launch

Once you have your content and tools ready, it is time to make sure you have setup the check out correctly and that the customer is being able to access the digital product once they buy it. The easiest way to make sure the digital product is being delivered is to test the working by going through the checkout and making a payment. 

Once you have tested the process, it is launch time! 

Launch your digital product, get feedback from those initial customers and optimize your digital product so your customers get the best results.


Ongoing Promotion Plan

Talk about your digital product everywhere. Add a link to it in your email signature, your Instagram profile, website, Linkedin profile and more. You can spread the word by asking others to tell their friends about it. The easiest way to keep promoting your digital product is to keep talking about it.

One of the simplest ways to build a passive income stream with your digital products is to start building your email list. 

  • Create a free lead magnet that you could share with your audience in exchange for their email address.
  • Once you have their email address, make sure you email your list at least once a week sharing tips, strategies and anything else related to your niche.
  • Every now and then, when you launch a new digital product, share it with your email list.
  • Automate the process.

Over time, you would have built a passive income stream.

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